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mim's Blog Posts

Showing 5 to 8 of 23 posts

mim Adventures in Face-Painting - 23rd February 2012

Last month, Josh and I had the honour of attending the birthday party of one little five-year-old butterfly princess.  This princess is the daughter of two of Josh's friends who were, at the last minute, desperately seeking a face-painter f... (read more)

mim Steves of the Sea - 29th November 2013

Cheese and I call stingrays 'Steves'. This isn't meant to be a reference to Steve Irwin. We actually only recently realised the unfortunate connection and honestly didn't intend to cause any offence to family, friends or fans of T... (read more)

mim Cushion Update - 24th April 2013

Hi everyone,This is just a quick update to let you know what's going on with our post-AICon round of cushions. It seems our fabric order has taken a little longer to arrive than we anticipated, but hopefully we'll get it soon and I'll ... (read more)

mim Adventure Jam - Above the Waves - 15th May 2015

So, last month Cheese decided he was going to participate in this #Adventure Jam thing. Apparently, some groovy people on the internet (Cassie Benter & Stacy Davidson) decided to make an adventure game in 2 weeks and invited the whole world to jo... (read more)

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